Thousands of Americans today celebrate the Day of Independence from their colonial rulers more than 300 years ago. For the Hindus in India and abroad, and also his other followers, this day marks the one on which Swami Vivekananda took samadhi in 1902. For several reasons, this marked the end of an era and the beginning of another one. It is a remarkable thing that the greatest disciple of all times took samadhi on the day of American Independence, 4th of July, and his guru, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa had done the same on the day India was destined to get its Independence in 1947, on 15th August 1886. It was fitting that the work the guru had started in India was continued by the most fitting disciple all over the world.
The emergence of this guru-shishya pair into prominence in India and abroad both hold great significance for various reasons. It was a time in India when Macaulayian education was fastening its grip over the young Indian intelligiensia. Every year, thousands of Indian youth were being educated in Western education and were made to hate Indian traditions, culture and way of life. It had become a fashion to ridicule anything Indian or Hindu and the young minds were being foolishly drawn to Western ideals. Vedas and other scriptures were being ridiculed like never before! At this time, one voice firmly declared that the Hindu religion and Hindu thought were the things which should make the Indian nation most proud and it was a wealth which all Indians should cherish. This voice, which echoed in the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893, soon swept across all of the Western world and captured back the hearts of the Indian youth. 50 years of Macaulayian education was rendered useless and once again thousands of Indian men and women were inspired by this young monk to study, respect and nourish Indian traditions and values. This was the voice of Swami Vivekananda and he was speaking the words of his guru Ramakrishna Paramhamsa.
The phenomenon, that this guru-shishya pair were, had its effect not only on the Indian mentality and general public, but also changed the way Westerners looked towards India. Hundreds of Westerners were first impressed, then inspired and finally won over by this spirited Hindu sadhu wearing a saffron robe and speaking in their own language about some of the boldest religious principles they had ever heard! Several of them were so attracted to Swami Vivekananda's personality that many of them followed him to India; only to find there were 15 or so of his fellow disciples here, each of whom was as spirited as him and each showed a different aspect of their guru's personality. The lectures and yoga lessons that Swamiji gave in the West completely changed the outlook of Westerners towards these practices and a lot of success of these things today in the West can be attributed to him.
Today, more than ever there is a need for the following of the teachings of this great pair. In the day when religious fanaticism is on a monotomic rise, there is a need of a voice saying that all religions are finally ways and means to realize the same Eternal Truth. When the mind of a person is being constantly grippled by insecurity, loss of faith and self-doubt, the practice of yoga is very much necessary to maintain a physical and mental equilibrium. When the rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer, when the gap in haves and havenots is widening faster than ever before, when all a person can think of is accumulating as much wealth as possible, teaching the ideal of renunciation proposed and followed by these two great mean is the real need of the hour!
It has been 104 years since the great light name Swami Vivekananda merged into its source after being on this earth for a mere 39 years. The work he did in these 39 years has taken firm roots and has spread across the whole world under the name of Ramakrishna Mission. His words have inspired thousands of men and women across the world and is changing the life of thousands more daily. It is time we all gather together under his guidance and follow on the path towards truth prescribed by him!
May we all progress towards this greatest Truth and ultimately realize the true, Immortal, Infinite nature of our Self! May we all be blessed with that Immortal Bliss which he always said is rightfully ours! May we all feel the Sat, Chit, Anand that even the highest of the yogis crave for!
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!
yet another really informative post. i am learning a lot vaibhav. keep it up!
thanks for all that info.nice blog u have , just stopped to say hello.
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